His Twin Brother Died Next To Him – Watch His REACTION Facing The Death Of A Loved One!

A touching moment!

Dogs not only form bonds with other humans, they also form bonds with each other that last a lifetime. Having someone to play with all day and snuggle up with on those cold nights make like that much richer, and for one of them to pass away can destroy their world. Each of us can recognize mood of our pets from sounds they make, body language and expression of a muzzle. But have you ever asked yourself if your pet has the same emotions as you do? After watching this video, you won’t have any doubts that our pets are not less sensitive than we are.

A teary-eyed rottweiler has been filmed apparently grieving over the body of his dead twin brother. It’s a difficult step for everyone to lose a pet. For some, it is as strong as losing a member of his family. Brett Bennett, the owner of the pair of rescue dogs, named Hank and Brutus, captured the emotional footage when he awoke to find Hank had passed away in his sleep and Brutus lying next to him at their home in Washington. Brett Bennett said Brutus started “crying” after waking up next to the lifeless body of his sibling Hank. “My Rottweiler woke up to find that his twin Hank had passed during the night and gone to heaven. Brutus does not want to leave him and will not budge, laying on top of his head,” said their owner.

Broken heart!

“I normally don’t video record my real life catastrophes or share but decided I needed to send a message to the world and show how much pain my dog was in as he loved his twin so much. Brutus had never whined in the two years I have owned him. But clearly you can see in his eyes, he is crying for his brother who had passed as his world around him just crumbled. We both grieve and cry for our brothers. This is proof that animals do have emotions and feel pain just like we do,” he said. Watch this video and share this moment to show the world that animals have feelings!

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