Dog Protects And Comforts Little Girl As She Cries While Being Scolded By Her Mother

Dog protects and comforts little girl (Video)

Toddlers are cute, curious, and – because they also love pushing boundaries – often getting into trouble. But when one Chinese toddler got yelled at for ruining her mom’s face cream, her loyal dog rushed to the little girl’s defense. The parent got extremely upset after discovering that her new facial cream had been ripped open and used by her two-year-old child.

While the woman was scolding her daughter, their five-year-old golden retriever ran to shield the crying child with his paws. The pet, named Harry, also snarled at the parent, seemingly telling her to back off. Harry’s adorable reaction was captured by the pet owner, Ms Sun, at their home in eastern Chinese city Xuzhou. The mother had just purchased a facial cream and left it in the living room as she went to prepare lunch. After she returned, the woman was exasperated to find that her toddler daughter, You You, teared up the product packaging while playing with the tub of moisturiser.

Dog rushing to protect the little girl

‘I was honestly really upset. I’d just bought the cream and half of it was already gone,’ said Ms Sun. ‘My baby started crying because I was shouting at her quite aggressively.’ But the parent’s anger melted away when she saw her golden retriever, Harry, rushing to protect the little girl from being scolded and he also appeared trying to comfort You You by wrapping his leg around the little girl and resting his head on her shoulder. Watch the video, amused by the dog’s reaction, the mother calmed down and stopped the scolding.

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