This Lazy Dogs Really Hates Mornings. Watch His REACTION When The Alarm Clock Goes Off!

When The Alarm Clock Goes Off!

Are you a morning person? Do you like getting up at the crack of dawn? If you are like many, the answer is absolutely NOT! You probably cherish the idea of sleeping in, staying under the covers, snug and cozy without worrying about an annoying alarm clock going off. The dog in this video knows exactly what I’m talking about. Oscar the dog absolutely hates mornings and you are about to see how he may even rival your own disgust for early morning wake-ups!

When your alarm clock goes off in the morning, the struggle to rouse yourself can feel all too real. This dog is definitely our morning spirit animal. This sleepy dog goes through all the emotions we humans experience when someone’s “dog-tired” and the annoying alarm clock won’t shut up in the morning. This video is a perfect illustration of the similarity between a human’s reaction to the alarm in the morning and a dog’s reaction , a lazy human and a lazy dog to be exact.

The annoying alarm clock!

The dog is refusing to wake up , she just looks lazily around , still under the sheet and then she starts doing exactly what a human would do, saying a long and lazy “ nooooo “ in her own way of course. Lucky dog has no work or duties to do , how many people would love to just do that and nor care for any thing else in the world. Mornings are not this dog’s favorite for sure! How funny… If this describes you or a friend, SHARE this video on Facebook and tag them! Check out this hilarious video and watch how he wakes up!

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