Dog Rescued After Surviving Nearly a Month Under Rubble After Hurricane Dorian

Heartwarming rescue (Video)

It had been a month since Hurricane Dorian decimated the Bahamas with Category 5 strength, killing at least 50 people. Search-and-rescue missions had long ago given way to stoic efforts to recover the bodies of the dead. Rescuers from Big Dog Ranch Rescue in Loxahatchee Groves in Palm Beach County say they have rescued over 100 dogs since the devastating storm him the Bahamas. They have used a drone to aid their recovery efforts and the technology was integral during this particular rescue.

The rescuers located the dog pinned underneath an air condition and building debris in Marsh Harbor. After comforting him with food, rescuers were able to pull him out of the debris. “It’s a miracle this little dog had the will to live and to survive in the conditions he was in,” said Lauree Simmons, president and founder of Big Dog Ranch Rescue. Volunteer Sean Irion sat with him for a few minutes, letting him lick dog food out of a can, to gain his trust. His ribs showed through his light brown fur. “Look at that tail wagging!” Irion said to the dog, according to the video of the rescue. “We’ve got you.”

The dog was unable to walk

Irion and another volunteer then heaved debris out of the way and gently placed a leash around the dog’s neck. Irion picked up the dog, silent and unmoving, and carried him out of the wreckage. The dog had survived only on rain water that filled a hole in front of him after the hurricane, so rescuers gave him some fluids to stabilize him before the hour-long flight. His muscles had wasted away from a month of immobility and his body weight had plummeted from about 45 pounds to 22 pounds. The road ahead of him is long, but Simmons said her organization expects the dog to make a full recovery. Watch the video, the dog was unable to walk on his own when a charity discovered him using a drone.

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