Dog Rescues Abandoned Kitten From The Pouring Rain And Decides To Bring It Home

Dog with a big heart rescued a stray kitten (Video)

A sweet family dog rescued a stray kitten after finding the cat in the pouring rain. Hazel, a Yorkie, Chihuahua and poodle mix, lives in Abilene, Texas and surprised her mom, Monica Burks, by bringing home the abandoned kitten. She showed how she’s full of love after rescuing a kitten in distress. Hazel had been let outside for her bathroom break by Monica but didn’t come back right away. When Monica looked outdoors to see where her 3-year-old dog had gotten to, she was surprised to see Hazel returning with a new friend.

Hazel kept drawing attention to the faint meowing coming from underneath their shed. There was no way she was going to leave the furball out in the rain. She refused to leave the spot, despite the downpour until she was able to coax the kitten from her hiding spot. Once the kitten was out from under the shed, Hazel led the cat back home. The kitten looks less than a few weeks old and struggles to keep up with her hero. Each time the kitten hesitated and stopped in her tracks, Hazel keeps checking back and then waits for her little friend to catch up. She even gives it a few encouraging little nudges along the way.

The dog picked the kitten up in her mouth

Monica recorded Hazel bringing the kitten to her doorstep. And when the kitten couldn’t quite jump up the step into their home, Hazel picked the kitten up in her mouth and helped her inside. Since her rescue, the kitten has been given the name Sheba, and Monica’s brother, Michael, has adopted her! Monica’s brother, Michael, is a confirmed cat lover and so he jumped at the chance to give the kitten a forever home. She still gets plenty of visits from her rescuer and best friend in the world! Watch the video, hero dogs come in all shapes and sizes, and Hazel might be the tiniest one yet! But that doesn’t matter, Hazel’s small act of kindness changed one cat’s life forever, and it certainly brightened up our day!

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