Devastated And Alone, He Returned To The Shelter After Being Adopted

His reaction will break your heart! (Video)

Sometimes a glimmer of hope can weigh heavily on the soul. That’s what happened to a homeless dog who wouldn’t stop crying after he was adopted but returned to the shelter a few days later. Juice is a Bullmastiff mix, cuddly and loving but a longtime resident at Montgomery County Animal Services & Adoption Center, having spent 10 months at the facility. For a long time, Juice was the example as a dog who could manage the stress of shelter life without getting depressed. But in the past month that changed- he started to lose his confidence.

Then he was adopted and we jumped for joy! But, horribly, it wasn’t the right match, and after a couple of days he was back in his kennel, more stressed than ever. Staff started to notice him crying, panting, and pacing more often. One of the staff took him home for a “sleepover” this week to give him a break from the shelter and try to help him relax. But when she brought him back in the morning and put him back in the kennel, he started crying. And didn’t stop all day.

He started crying!

Living in a shelter is not a life, and we’re afraid that Juice is beginning to lose himself.” A video of that heartbreaking day was shared by the shelter in a plea for someone to give Juice the home he clearly craved. The video went viral and, suddenly, the shelter was flooded with calls, emails and applications from potential adopters all over the world.

A few days after, Juice has found the perfect family just for him and his excitement at finally having a home was undeniable. “After 10 months and 3 days at the shelter; dozens of tennis balls and de-fluffed stuffed animals; hundreds of meals and walks and cuddles from our staff and volunteers; thousands of shares; and hundreds of thousands of video views…. JUICE HAS GONE HOME!” the shelter wrote announcing the good news.

There are many shelter animals across the country just like Juice, still waiting for a place to call home. Please adopt an animal or share this article on Facebook to help other animals.



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