Dog Reunited With Owner After Going Missing For Two Years – Get Ready For Some Feels!

Watch their reaction! (Video)

We’ve all seen the videos of a dog seeing it’s owner for the first time after the owner was gone. It’s always a whirlwind of emotions seeing some deployed soldier come home and the dog jumps and licks and is ecstatic. This situation is a little bit different, but the emotions are just the same. Julio and his brother Sam got Duke, an 8-week-old Great Dane puppy, who quickly became a beloved member of their family in Oklahoma City. The puppy was funny and rambunctious and they loved him. They were devastated when he went missing from the family’s yard on Christmas Eve.

We can only imagine how sad that must have made the holidays. Julio and his family searched and searched. But months went by, and they heard nothing, despite Duke being microchipped and registered. Flash forward two years. David Walker was outside on his ranch in Navasota, Texas, when he was greeted by a sight that made him jump out of his shoes. There, sitting in front of him was a Great Dane. The dog was unfamiliar to David, but friendly, so he took the dog to the vet to have him scanned and – you guessed it – it was Duke!

An unexpected phone call!

He also found out that Duke’s had somehow made it over 350 miles from his home! Walker got in touch with the owner and filmed the moment when Duke was reunited. We don’t have any clue what Duke was doing and where all Duke went during those 2 years, but you can tell that he missed his owner the whole time. Watch their reunion and get ready for some feels!

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