Dog Rushes To Comfort Golden Retriever’s Friend Having Seizure – Touching Moment

Touching Moment

It is incredible how dogs just have an instinct for when someone they care about needs comfort. One family managed to capture video footage of their dog Roxy, a Catahoula Leopard Dog, attentively caring for the family’s other dog, Laker, while he experienced a seizer. The family was surprised by Roxy’s actions as she had never been trained to provide comfort, so they decided to post the video online for others to see.

The family stated that Roxy is an extremely loving and protective dog towards all the family members, so of course, she would be willing to help her fellow canine brother. The family explained that their golden retriever has been living with seizures since he was roughly 3 months old. They shared that when he was officially diagnosed with seizures at 6 months old, he was started seeing a dog neurologist who prescribed seizure medication. Since going on the medication, his seizures have improved but haven’t fully gone away. They explained that Laker will sometimes experience what are known as psychomotor seizures, where he will run around and cry in confusion.

He run around and cry in confusion

The owner explained, “Recently, I purchased a Furbo dog camera and it picked up Roxy, Catahoula cur, stopping Laker from an episode. She is not trained to do this but these two have a bond that I have never seen. They check on each other throughout the day and truly love one another.” Watch the video, if you somehow still don’t think dogs are the best, check out this moment.

This is the moment Roxy helps the seizures that Laker suffers from. She is not trained to do this but these two have an inseparable bond.


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