Dog Scared of Fireworks is Falling From 3rd Floor Balcony – Neighbors Rushed to Help

Neighbors rally together with sheets to catch the dog

While fireworks can certainly be a lot of fun for people, they can be quite scary and traumatic for pets. The last day of the year nearly ended up being this little dog’s last day on Earth. Spooked by the sound of fireworks, she tried to escape by crawling through the railings of her home’s fourth-story balcony — and was soon forced to cling for her life. But thanks to the actions of neighbors below, tragedy was avoided.

The dog, named Tina, lives with her owner in Goiânia, Brazil. She’d been left alone for just a few minutes while he stepped out to go to the grocery store. But in that short time, she found herself in a world of trouble. She had been nervous all day from the noise of rockets being let off by people in the run up to New Year’s Day. Jean Carlos said that he tried to reassure and distract her and kept her in all day. Neighbors who were having a cookout down on the ground floor noticed that Tina was hanging off the balcony overhead. The dog’s fall appeared to be imminent, so without hesitating, the Good Samaritans hurriedly fetched a sheet and held it taut beneath her. They did so without a moment to spare. Seconds later the animal loses its grip and plunges to the ground.

The dog’s fall appeared to be imminent

This heart-stopping video captured the moment Tina then slipped — and was caught before she hit the ground. And a cheer goes up as the adorable dog is caught safely and uninjured. Tina had been saved. Aside from being understandably shaken by her near-death experience, the 11-year-old Shih Tzu was unharmed. Tina’s owner, Jean Carlos Silva Siqueira, who arrived home shortly after, knew just the people to thank — telling a local TV station: “If they had not acted so fast, I would not be with her on my lap today.” Watch the video filmed by panicking neighbours, showing the dog desperately struggling to get back into the veranda after slipping through a gap in railings.

Everyone screams with fear then claps and cheers ring out as the animal is saved. A resident told: “When we heard people shouting that a dog was in danger, we rushed to help and immediately came up with the idea of using a sheet to catch her.


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