Dog Slept on His Former Family’s Chair After Being Abandoned in The Snow

Dog refuses to leave the chair (Video)

You may think that people who own pets would do anything to make that pet happy, loved and comfortable. But not every animal gets to experience this joy. For many animals, they end up in shelters when their owners decide to abandon them without a second thought. Millions of animals each year are discarded and left behind. Some people don’t even bother to leave their animal in a safe space like a rescue or a shelter and instead opt to drop them off in a parking lot, on the highway, or even just leave them behind and move away. For one dog named Ollie, his heartbreaking story began when his family decided to move.

Ollie was sadly found among the trash they had left behind. The dog had curled up onto an old chair that was also left behind during the move. It seemed like he was trying to stay warm, or relax in his favorite place while he waited for his family to return. Detroit winters are extremely harsh and temperatures drop to way below zero during the night. So the pup was in big trouble. Neighbors revealed that the family had become evicted and although they took one of their other dogs with them, Ollie was abandoned. Thankfully, Terri Looby, a volunteer at DAWG, also known as the Detroit Animal Welfare Group, received an urgent call… she found Ollie and took him to safety. “As soon as the dog heard us, he picked his head up and looked at me. I said, ‘Hi baby, it’s OK. Come see me.’ His tail was wagging, and he jumped off the chair and started limping toward me. He knew he was safe!

He was waiting his family to return

Once Looby got the chance to talk to some neighbors, she understood more about Ollie story. However, once she took him to the vet, they realized that the dog was in bad shape. He was extremely underweight, with his ribs showing through his skin, and his femur was broken. Perhaps being left behind was the best thing the owners could have done for Ollie after neglecting and mistreating him for so long. Once DAWG decided to post Ollie’s story on social media, outreach from the public reached new highs.Watch the video of this touching rescue, he’s on the road to recovery — not just physically, but emotionally, too.

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