Dog Spent Entire Life Locked In A Basement – He Finally Sees The Sun After Rescue

He finally sees the sun for the first time (Video)

Animals should never be confined to captivity, this much any sane human being will accept. Just imagine the dog who is forced to live his or her life in a cage, without access to light. It’s so heartbreaking I simply don’t know where to begin. And yet it was the horrific reality for the dog in this story. BB was found locked in a cellar in Cabarrus County, North Carolina, in such terrible conditions that it makes my heart bleed simply to write of them. The video come courtesy of the animal heroes at the Humane Society, who raided the property which was suspected to be a puppy mill and made the shocking discovery. They set free around 130 animals trapped at the puppy mill.

The dogs were afraid, confused, and exposed to things no animal should be. Fortunately, they were about to be delivered into a whole new life. Tiny poodle BB weighed just over 2.2Ibs and only had three healthy teeth in her mouth. The others were so rotten that they had to be removed. It was an anonymous tip that led to the raid being conducted. In addition to BB, 104 other dogs were rescued, as well as 20 cats and three goats. Little BB had spent her entire life in a wire bottomed cramped cage, and had never been outside. Volunteers could tell from her swollen mammaries that the tiny poodle had been forced to breed repeatedly. Soon, however, BB’s hell would be over. Brenda Tortoreo, who had previously worked at the vets where BB was treated, decided to give her a forever home.

When she was finally taken from the basement, her face said everything

“She was very tiny. I put my hand up to the cage, and she’d come up and sniff a little bit. She was very hesitant for human attention, but she wanted it. I pulled her close to my body, and she leaned into me, Animal crimes manager at HSUS Jessica Lauginiger said in an interview. It’s believed BB had never seen sunlight, and her contact with humans had been minimal. In the beginning her rescuers had a difficult time working out her age, such was the state of her appearance. When she was finally taken from the basement, though, BB looked upon the sunlight with a face that said everything. She’d never ever known the feeling of grass under her paws, and now she has a second chance to live the life she truly deserves. Watch the video to see her amazing transformation!

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