Dog Stolen Two Years Ago Finally Reunited By Chance With Owner In A Shelter

Precious reunion (Video)

At times, the use of social networks seems to be able to almost miraculously resolve issues and reunite people from all over the world. In fact, people who have not heard from or seen each other for many years can often experience random or unplanned fortuitous online encounters that are extremely moving, thanks to the Internet and new technologies. This time, volunteers at animal shelter in Ukraine took in a large, blue-eyed stray dog for whom life on the streets had clearly not been kind. His emaciated body and mangy coat hinted at the many hardships he’d faced. Rescuers were determined to find the dog a happy new home — not realizing, of course, he already had one.

And that someone was missing him dearly. The day the dog was brought in, his photo was taken and posted online to seek out potential adopters. Given his condition, and the time that would be required to return him to health, it might have seemed unlikely for the poor pup to garner much interest — but the sadness in his eyes struck a chord. Within hours, the post was shared hundreds of times by people around the world. Those shares on social media made all the difference. Just two days later, when Galina Lekunova, the animal shelter manager received the telephone call, she could not believe her ears! In fact, the woman calling was the previous owner of Lord, who claimed to have recognized her dog from the photos posted on Facebook and that the dog had been stolen two years before from her home garden.

Such a beautiful reunion

“She’d been looking for her dog for two years,” said Galina Lekunova. But could this be him? The next day, a meeting was arranged to confirm the suspicion — and it soon became obvious that it was in fact a reunion. And a heartfelt one at that: “Tears of joy in the morning!” the shelter wrote of that moment, calling the reunion a “miracle.” The dog, whose name is Lord, had waited so long for that day to come. He was finally back where he belongs — with help of strangers who insisted on spreading the word about him online. Watch the video, he was finally back with his beloved family!

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