Dog Stranded In Canyon Survived On Her Own For Two Weeks After Being Abandoned!

Abandoned to his fate! (Video)

How terrifying it must have been for this beautiful Pit Bull that was abandoned at Turnbull Canyon. She was abandoned in one of the worst places, having to survive the many dangers that could have easily meant death – all alone, scared and confused. The coyotes, cars, and the heat are just a few of the factors she had to face during her two-week ordeal. Luckily, Hope for Paws was called in to rescue the Pit Bull, named Zelda.

Hope for Paws volunteers, Lisa Arturo and Joann Wiltz, practiced a lot of patience and kindness luring Zelda into the lucky leash using food. The rescuers knew they had to move slowly so as not to spook her. Finally, while one rescuer fed Zelda some treats, another slowly crept up behind her
and was able to slip a snare around her neck, ensuring that she was finally safe.

A difficult rescue!

The pit bull was still incredibly nervous for a few minutes, but it wasn’t long before she began to relax, and accepted lots of pats and love from the women who helped to save her life. The rescuers loaded Zelda into their car, and she almost seemed to be smiling as she settled into the backseat, relieved to finally be out of the vast canyon. Zelda was taken to the vet to get checked out, where she received more love and cuddles, her tail wagging the entire time. Watch the video because shewas abandoned in one of the worst places, but now she has so many people rooting for her!

Zelda is loving her foster family but she still needs a forever home. Please remember that adopting a dog is a serious commitment. When a dog is abandoned, whether on the streets or at a shelter, it affects not only that dog in ways you can’t imagine, but also other dogs awaiting a home and even the shelter workers and rescues themselves, emotionally and financially.

Pets should be treated with the same love, respect, and care as any other member of the family. 


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