Dog Thought To Be Dead For 2 Years Was Found – Former Owners Still Didn’t Want Her!

Watch this wonderful rescue! (Video)

When Hope For Paws was contacted about Edna, a starving dog living alone in the streets, the team had no idea what a strange story was about to unfurl before them. According to the information they had, animal control had attempted to capture the dog several times already to no avail. When the rescuers found and approached the dog with some tasty food, she let them get close and ate right from the rescuer’s hand. Rescuers talked gently to Edna as she ate, but after a little petting she got scared again and started to back away. Edna’s rescuers realized it was going to be tricky to put a leash on her because she was so incredibly nervous and scared, so while one continued to feed her, another snuck up behind her slowly.

She was finally able to slip a leash around her neck. Edna panicked for a second, but was quickly offered more food, and so she began to calm down again. Poor Edna was so starving that her hunger outweighed her fear, and she let herself be rescued just so she could continue to eat. The team succeeded in catching her and with the help of a neighbor, brought the poor skinny pup right to safety. Once off the streets, the dog got her new name: Edna. She was very malnourished and suffered from alopecia, a hair-loss condition. At the vet, it turned out that she had a microchip.

They didn’t want to keep her!

After making a call, the rescuers discovered that Edna’s previous caregiver had given her away and was told by the next carer that the dog had been hit by a car. It turned out that the person believed she was dead for two years! Rescuers learned that her original owner had given her to a new family, and the new family told her first family that she had died. Her original owner was relieved to hear that she was still alive, but sadly they still didn’t want her, and asked Hope For Paws to find her a good home. Watch the video and find out what happened to her after this wonderful rescue!

Edna sure didn’t have a good time the past 2 years. Edna was moved to a foster home where she met many dog friends.

After a few weeks, Edna was already in her new forever home! Now, she has all the love she so severely lacked in the past – and all the food and treats, too. She sure looks like a different dog!


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