Dog Was About To Be Put Down But The Vet Notices a Detail And Puts The Syringe Down

Vet puts the syringe down (Video)

Roxy had been through more than any dog ever should. She had a TVT (small cancerous growth) and it looked so bad that her owners called Sidewalk Specials to euthanize her. When they arrived to collect her, the TVT was advanced and there was blood everywhere. But they knew they couldn’t put her to sleep because they had faith that Roxy could still live a happy life, especially when they saw her wag her tail so hard. That tail wag proved to rescuers that she still had a whole lot of fight left in her!

They just had to give her a chance! Luckily, her TVT was curable, so they decided to start chemotherapy sessions. Roxy had a hard time adjusting to shelter life at first, she was sad and depressed, which is understandable since her family just dumped her there. It isn’t easy for anyone to accept the fact that they are unwanted, and she was sick on top of the abandonment. She was left confused and lonely, but little did she know, things were about to get so much better. So, to keep that tail wagging, she went into a foster home while she was going through chemotherapy. Before long, even though the treatments were very difficult for her, her spirits got a little brighter each day.

A second chance at life

Three months after treatments began, Roxy got the all-clear. Her cancer was cured! So much for people giving up on an animal when in fact, she had every chance in the world of survival. Just needed a hopeful vet to say so! But that’s not even the best part. Roxy was also adopted into a loving forever home! Now she gets to run around and play with her new doggy siblings and experience what it’s like to truly be a dog and be loved the way she should. Watch the video, now she is living the life she was meant to live. Happy and healthy, surrounded by people and other dogs that love her the way every dog should be loved.

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