Her Dog Was Almost Taken Away by a Hawk – She Heroically Fights Back to Rescue Him

The hawk tries to take away her dog (Video)

Wildlife has suffered on an immense scale as the jungles were sloshed for territorial gains and human settlements. It is becoming hard these days to call wild animals wild because their appearances in cities have now become quite common.Many wild animals are also suffering from high toxicities in their bodies because they end up eating poisoned preys. And we humans are behind that poisoning.

Although, people who have pets have started taking precautions by making their pets wear vests that are heavily spiked and by placing rolling bars on the top of the fences. But predators are not only limited to land, but an intruder like hawk also comes from the sky to pick-up the lightweight dogs. A lot of incidents have been reported where eagles have attacked the small dogs in particular. Recently, a 2-pound pup named Lulu faced a similar situation where she was almost taken away by a hawk in Las Vegas, Nevada. It was a life-or-death struggle family’s back yard between a hawk and a Yorkie. The pup’s owner, Cecilia Celis who was inside the house busy making tacos heard the noises of her two dogs crying and barking.

The dog was almost taken away by a hawk

At first, she thought that they must be fighting but the moment she looked outside the house, she was deeply shocked. Cecilia ran outside and tried to shoo off the hawk but had no luck. She then grabbed a seat cushion and repeatedly hit the hawk, which eventually flew away. The entire incident was caught surveillance camera.  The high-flying bird was able to tear a small part of the puppy’s neck but fortunately, she was rescued and the vets intervened in time. “The vet told us that luckily I got there in time,” she said. At the moment her prognosis is fine and might be fearful of leaving the house premises and especially of the birds. Watch the video, her owner immediately screamed at the bird and in the end managed to ward off the bird by using a seat cushion.

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