Dog Who Was Chained Up For 5 Years Chewed Off Her Paw To Escape Life On a Chain

Finally free from nightmare – The rescue (Video)

The following is the story of Treya’s ordeal. This poor pup’s destiny was so sad that it broke the hearts of her rescuers and everyone who came along her story into a million pieces. She used to have an owner who took good care of her, but sadly, after he was murdered five years ago, Treya was left all by herself, chained up under a deck. She survived for so long thanks to neighbors who tried to come to her aid, bringing her food and water from time to time. Abandoned and chained up for close to five years, in all weather, from freezing cold to blazing hot, Treya seemed to have lost all trust in people. The sight of the scared dog laying there was devastating for the rescuers from Stray Rescue St. Louis.

The first thing the rescuers did after they arrived at the scene was free Treya from the chains. It was, however, beyond overwhelming for them to realize that she chewed through her foot once the chain became tightly wound around her paw. The organization doesn’t state who was Treya’s “owner” after her real one died. One of the rescuers who responded to the call said how rescuing Traya wasn’t an easy task as “she feared humans from lack of socialization being isolated in her own private agonizing word.” The kind-hearted volunteers were ready to nurture Treya to health and give her new lease of life. “Once back at our trauma center, besides the obvious missing foot, we discovered she also has heartworm and a wicked case of a flea infestation,” the rescue wrote.

Trying to free the dog from the chains!

“Her emotional wounds matched in intensity of her physical ones.”Treya’s path towards her new life has just begun. No one said it was going to be easy and everyone did their best to help this beautiful dog adjust to the new environment. Eventually, the volunteers came up with a brilliant idea. They thought it would be nice if they introduce Treya to another rescue dog who shared similar faith as her. Once the two doggies laid eyes on each other, the staff knew they did just the right thing. Treya and Little Pinky quickly became best of friends. “Her nightmare is over and her new life is just beginning,” Stray Rescue said. This gorgeous girl is staying with a foster family while waiting for the forever one come across her path. Watch the video to discover this beautiful dog and its transformation. No animal should have to suffer!

“We can attest to her fortitude and perseverance. She is extremely happy living with us and our dog Stella,” Joseph Schnell, who is fostering Treya with his partner, wrote on Social Media. “We can’t wait to see what her future holds with a new family who will love her as much she deserves. Very strong dog and very optimistic thanks in a huge part to the work done by Stray Rescue.”

We really can’t wait for this amazing pup to get her happy ending. Thanks to the endless love towards animals, these volunteers and rescuers make it possible for cases like Treya’s to recover and regain their trust in the human kind. 


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