Dolphin Creates Sand Circle – Moments Later Camera Catches Unique Ocean Phenomenon!

Camera Catches Unique Ocean Phenomenon! (Video)

Dolphins are incredibly intelligent creatures. They are capable of a level of thinking that was once thought to be unique only to humans. “In the case of humans… rather than just passing on generic skills, each individual is able to educate others based upon their own experience. In this type of individual learning, we thought we were alone. We are not. Research and observations in recent years have revealed that whales and dolphins not only have the ability to learn as individuals, but those individuals can then pass their new knowledge onto others. This is a rare intelligence in the animal kingdom” , according to Whale and Dolphin Conservation.

Dolphins use their superior intelligence for lots of things including socializing, play, migrating, breeding, and acquiring food. When you think of dolphins, you probably picture smart, playful, and curious creatures. What you may not consider as much is how they get their food. We’re used to seeing dolphins in captivity, where they do tricks for food. Or, they are in conservation parks where their food is provided for them. But, dolphins in the wild have to hunt for themselves. A group of dolphins was captured on camera catching some fish using a method that this group of dolphins may have passed down for generations. Because they are so smart, they don’t waste energy by chasing their food down. In addition, dolphins are incredibly social animals, so they work together to catch their food. Then, they enjoy a delicious family meal.

They are so smart!

The video shows one dolphin exhibiting some pretty strange behavior, but it’s actually all part of her scheme to nab some lunch. These Florida bottlenose dolphin beat their tales along the bottom to stir up incredibly thick “mud nets” from the ocean floor. At first, it’s difficult to see why but they used the mud to make a “net”, trapping all of the fish inside. Eventually, the bait fish jump out of the water in hopes of getting out of the mude ring along to find themselves right into the mouths of the waiting dolphin. Watch the video, this is a natural phenomenon that is only found with Florida dolphins, and the footage of this is pretty amazing.

Watching these dolphins work together and use their brilliant minds to catch food in a unique way is really neat!

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