Dying Dog Rescued On Roadside Receives Care From Chimps – Inspirational Moment

Dog makes amazing recovery (Video)

Jenny Desmond is no stranger to rescuing animals in need. She and her husband run the Liberia Chimpanzee Rescue and Protection Sanctuary, a sanctuary that looks after about 35 orphaned chimpanzees. Jenny Desmond was driving through a remote village in Liberia when she spotted a dying puppy. She knew she would not survive and would likely die within a day or two. Desmond quickly and expertly negotiated the pup’s rescue and brought her back to the chimpanzee sanctuary. They rescue chimps from the exotic pet trade and work to protect Liberia’s remaining wild chimps in their natural habitat.

The puppy was missing huge chunks of his fur, and he was covered in sores. If Jenny didn’t do something, it was clear he wasn’t going to make it. Despite her focus on rescuing chimps, Desmond has rescued all sorts of animals. As one of the staff at her sanctuary says, Desmond has saved everything from chickens to grasshoppers. The poor puppy she saved was no exception. Thankfully Desmond’s husband, Jim, is a veterinarian and began treating the pup they named Snafu. She had to wear a cone so she would not pick at her wounds. Over the next week, Snafu got stronger and stronger. Soon, his fur began growing back. When Snafu was healthy enough, Jenny introduced him to the orphaned chimps.

Rescued chimps made sure to give her cuddles

The chimps absolutely loved the puppy, and he loved them back. The chimps seemed to realize that Snafu was still fragile, and so they carefully held him and carried him down the steps in the sanctuary. After several months of care, Over the next year, Snafu grew into a happy and healthy young dog. Jenny and Jimmy loved Snafu, but since they traveled so much they couldn’t give him all the attention he deserved. And so, Jenny called her sister in Colorado and asked if she wanted to adopt Snafu. She quickly agreed ! Watch the video to see where Snafu ended up and how wonderful she looks all grown up.

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