Dying Horse SAVED By Stablemate Moments Before She Was Set To Be Put Down!

Dying horse saved by stablemate! (Video)

Beatrice the horse was just minutes from being put down after her owners desperately tried for six hours to get her to stand up again as her blood pressure rose to near fatal levels. The longer the emergency went on, the more pain Beatrice was in which was why they put a deadline on the situation. Owners Donald MacIntyre and wife Jane Lipington feared the large mare was suffering from equine colic or severe abdominal pain, with her condition growing worse the longer she remained on the ground. The owners and four farm workers desperately tried to stand the one tonne creature up but she was too heavy.

They even used a strap tied to a tractor to try and pull the limp horse to safety but that didn’t work either. Due to the severe pain she was in and her heart rate and blood pressure rising to near-fatal levels, the couple were forced to give the 16-year-old horse a deadline of when she would have to be put down. But with the vet just 20 minutes away, they remembered Beatrice’s companion Beau needed to be let out of his stable – and were left amazed by what happened next. Ms Lipington  said: “It is absolutely astonishing. We were prepared to lose her but Beau knew what to do. We let him out in the yard for a walk about but he marched across the intervening stable and leant over the partition and started nipping at her, getting hold of her halter with his teeth and shaking it. He then lifted her head up and lifted her into a more upright position. We all watched with amazement. He lifted her so that her chest and legs came up off the ground, with a little encouragement from us she got shakily to her feet and we quickly walked her out into the yard trying to stop her falling down. 

I haven’t seen anything like it before!

Beau achieved what six hours of human endeavour with straps and machinery had failed to – he managed to lift Beatrice up off the floor which has allowed her to live on. They have a relationship for a long time. They have been together for 11 years and have had four foals together. Mr MacIntyre said: “I haven’t seen anything like it before. They are long term companions and Beau was well aware of what was going on in the stable next door. The first chance he had when he was let out he went straight for her to help.” Watch the video, we are used to seeing extraordinary interactions between the horses but we have never witnessed a horse saving another’s life! 

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