Elderly Man Waits Every Day For His Best Friend To Crawl Out Of This Frozen Hole

He waits for his friend to visit (Video)

Winter in Finland can be harsh — not only on humans but for the wildlife. One day, a wild sea otter was having a very difficult time finding food to survive through the winter. This lovely man, named Seppo Laamanen, opened his front door one day, to find this starving wild otter whom he nicknamed “Iivari”, needing help. He fed him fish and worms to restore him to a healthy enough condition to go back and live in his natural environment in the wild.

Seppo and his fluffy companion, Iivari, have been inseparable since the otter appeared on his doorstep on 2011. Since then, the otter always visits Seppo at his home in Punkaharju in eastern Finland. The duo have many visitors but Seppo is the only person who can get close to Iivari. The animal is so comfortable around Seppo, he even enters his house where he has a food bowl and eats out on the porch. Livari came and went as he pleased but he knew one thing was for sure — his buddy, Seppo, always had his back and will feed him if he needed it.

An amazing friendship with an otter

Livari is totally comfortable around Seppo, and even comes along running when he hears the old man’s voice. It’s incredible how the otter tails him around and even responds to his name. He seems to get that Seppo is his friend and means him no harm. From all the unusual animal friendships seen on the internet, this one really stands out! Watch the video, the otter is so used to having the man around that he even accepts treats right from his hands!

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