Man attacks a caretaker at elephant sanctuary. Now watch an elephant come to the rescue!

Elephant come to the rescue!(Video)

Our planet is filled with some pretty amazing creatures. From the tiniest of insects, who can do some very big things, all the way to the very top of the food chain, every single piece of wildlife helps make our world go around. Here at Top Retriever, we love all animals, but there is no denying that some of our planet’s living things have a better relationship with humans than others. Dogs might be known as man’s best friend for some great reasons, but elephants can come in at a very close second.

It’s no secret that elephants are one of the most intelligent and caring animal species around. They are some of the most emotional animals and are similar to humans in many ways. They are social animals, they love and care for one another, and they grieve when they lose one of their own. This video showcases a perfect example of how elephants are also very empathetic creatures, not just to one another. The fantastic large animals in captivity also seem to be able to bond with humans exceptionally well, as one video that has surfaced from Thailand has proved.

Proof of compassion?

A 17-year-old elephant named Thongsri is enjoying some time in the sun at her elephant sanctuary home in Chiang Mai, Thailand. One of the workers starts fooling around with Thongsri’s caretaker. They set up a little scène to trick Thongrsi into thinking her caretaker was being attacked. When the caregiver stumbles to the ground, Thongrsi’s reaction shows how deeply loyal and passionate Thongrsi feels about her caregivers. The giant elephant comes rushing to his rescue in the most incredible way. The bond between these two absolutely melts my heart! This video is perfect proof of how fantastic and caring animals elephants can be.

Thongrsi seemed very worried and after scaring away the supposed perpetrator, the elephant circled around the caregiver to make sure he was doing alright.

This video shows just how compassionate and intelligent elephants are – and how much they deserve our respect.


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