Camera Caught Family Abandoning Their Dog On The Street – Look Who Is Holding The Dog!

Camera Caught Family! (Video)

There are questions in life that are difficult to answer. You would have to be able to read other people’s minds but unfortunately, or perhaps, luckily, this is not possible. For example, we cannot understand what would motivate a human being to abandon an animal. What is most amazing about this video is that laying the dog on the ground is a child. This shocking scene was caught on CCTV just outside a park in Johannesburg .

A truck pulls into the parking lot of this park to abandon a pet in the grass, rather than surrendering it to a shelter. It’s even harder to watch when you notice that the person stepping out of the vehicle and dumping the dog in the grass is just a child, only twice as big as the small dog he’s carrying. We strongly hope that this child will have the opportunity to see this video one day as an adult and understand the mistake that was made. The child walks over to the grass patch and drops the dog off.  Seconds later the boy rushes back to the vehicle, gets in and the vehicle immediately drives off. The dog tries to run after the vehicle but quickly realises that it’s no use.

What kind of people do such things?

Worst of all is that children are seen doing this. What kind of an example are these parents setting for their children at such a young age? More than just the moment he was abandoned, the video shows the pup’s life changed in an instant. In only a few seconds he loses a warm home, a family who was meant to love him, and the certainty that he’s going to eat tomorrow. The selfish family in the truck just drives away and goes on with their lives like nothing has happened, but the poor dog’s life won’t be the same from this moment forward. Watch the heartbreaking footage, this video will serve as yet another reminder that, unfortunately, not everyone should be allowed to take responsibility for an animal.

Why not just take the dog to the animal shelter instead? 

It’s heartbreaking to see him realize that the family is leaving without him once the children hop back in and close the door, and to give up so quickly when the truck drives away.

Hopefully, this dog will find someone to care for him and another family who will stand by the commitment they make to their pet.


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