Family Moved Away, They Left Furniture And Their Dog On The Curb – Heartwarming Rescue

Watch what the neighbors did! (Video)

When a family moved out of their Detroit home, they left a lot of junk on the curb: a mattress, a couple of dressers, pillows… And a dog named Boo. Of course, Boo didn’t know they weren’t coming back. There was the old bed he knew so well, with the old familiar scents. Why not crawl onto it and wait? A month passed while Boo maintained his solitary vigil. A neighbor left food and water for this curbside refugee. But he refused to budge. Finally, Mike Diesel, founder of Detroit Youth and Dog Rescue, got the call — and raced to the scene. “He was just laying there, being his loyal self,” tells Diesel. “Pillows were still on the mattress. Being the loyal dog he was supposed to be, he waited for his master to come back.” And then Diesel set out to mend the dog’s broken heart.

What was left behind was whatever they wanted to throw out in the trash,” Diesel says. Boo had to come to terms with the fact that his family wasn’t coming back — that he was as discardable as that mouldering mattress. But first this astonishingly loyal dog would have to put his faith in another person. Diesel spent about 11 hours with Boo on that first day, mostly just keeping him company and trying to get the dog used to his voice. And, of course, the surest way to a dog’s heart — fried chicken and hamburgers. Diesel left him at 2 a.m. But he was back the next day at 10 a.m. This time with breakfast from McDonalds. Boo’s resolve started to weaken under the Sausage McMuffin and hash brown assault. And finally, he agreed to a collar.

This little dog has so much love to give

Once I got that on him, I walked him for about half an hour,” Diesel says. “Just being right there next to him, gaining that trust. After that we sat on the ground, on a blanket, for an hour.” At last, Boo agreed to be picked up and put in the back of Diesel’s truck. “We kind of talked to each other to make sure we understood each other’s feelings,” Diesel says. “He knew I wasn’t going to hurt him. Then he let me pick him up,” he says. “I got him into the vehicle and we went straight to the vet.” Boo was found to be heartworm positive and began treatment that day. He was also found to be a loving, gentle dog who gets along with others. Now, all he needs is to find a foster home. Or even a forever home. Watch the video and how this little dog has so much love to give!

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