Foster Mom Is Waiting For The Adopters But Quickly Realizes That She Made A Mistake

 Foster mom burst into tears (Video)

Fostering homeless dogs can be a bittersweet endeavor. The people who foster these lovable animals have big hearts and a nurturing spirit. Those are qualities that make for a great foster parent, but they can also make it easy for them to become attached to the pooches in their care. Doggie foster mom Nicki Clawson knows that struggle. She had been volunteering as a foster mom for homeless dogs for over a year when she and her family received Cookie in their home to foster. Nicki immediately fell in love with the sweet and gentle boxer.

Cookie, a boxer with a gentle soul that could melt your heart in a second, was an immediate hit with Clawson and her family. They loved Cookie, and Cookie reciprocated. The folks at NorthWest Boxer Rescue knew Cookie would have a perfect forever-after in Nicki’s home, but instead of telling Nicki how they felt, they came up with a secret plan. This is one of the most adorable and tear-jerking surprises I’ve ever seen. Nikki’s husband Tim and the Area Coordinator Jessica, began cooking up the details of what was going to be the sweetest surprise ever! Cookie’s surprise adoption was in place.

This little secret surprise comes with a big woof

They told Crawford that Cookie had found a possible forever home — with an 83-year-old Doris Thompson. As is the protocol, a meet and greet session was set up to see how the dog and the potential new owner would get along, or not. They sent Crawford at the scheduled time to the location where she would meet with Doris. She brought Cookie to the location at the allotted time, but was disappointed when the hopeful adopter failed to show up. But Nicki was about to receive the shock of a lifetime! Guess who was the real adoptee that Northwest Boxer Rescue had planned all along? Of course, the one that connected with and loved Cookie most! Watch the video, see how emotional this moment was for her when she finds out.

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