Fox Reunited With Rescuer 7 Years Later – Touching Reunion

Touching reunion (Video)

We’ve heard of cats and even cows acting like dogs—and now we have an adorable fox acting like a canine in this latest video. Dawn is one of the Nuneaton and Warwickshire Wildlife Sanctuary’s six resident foxes that cannot be returned to the wild. Most of the animals that find their way into the sanctuary are injured wildlife that are treated and then returned to their wild homes. But Dawn was a bit different. She isn’t a normal fox. Back when she lived in the wild, someone mistook her for a dog and brought her into an animal shelter.

During her time in the shelter, Dawn became accustomed to her doggie counterparts and eventually began acting like them, wagging her tail and all. And although she made friends with the pooches, her favorite buddy is Geoff, the man who saved her and brought her at the sanctuary where she now lives. As you can see in the video, Dawn is a total cuddle bug. The second she sees Geoff her tail begins to wag erratically. When the elderly man rubs her belly you can just sense how happy she is to have a best friend like him. He even lets her rub her face all over his head because, well, why not? Friends do weird stuff together, right?

A wonderful reunion

Somehow the bushy-tailed creature managed to fool everyone at the shelter into thinking she was a dog, to the point where she became domesticated and far too vulnerable to be put back out into the wild. Dawn was far too tame to be returned to the wild. She wouldn’t be able to fend for herself. Dawn is a cutie, and acts just like you’d want a pet to act, but it is important to remember that she was never meant to be anyone’s pet. Foxes are adorable, but they belong in the wild. Watch the video, you can see the wonderful reunion of the two friends who had not seen each other for a long time!

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