How This French Bulldog Reacts When He’s Asked Who Chewed Up Mommy’s Pen Is PRICELESS!

Who Chewed Up Mommy’s Pen? (Video)

Dogs might be unable to communicate with humans vocally. But they can certainly wear their guilt on their face – something this French bulldog did when its owner confronted it for being mischievous. Captured on camera by the dog’s owner, the French bulldog named Nico can be seen entering the house via a cat-flap. It looks up at its owner as she asks it an important question: ‘Niko did you chew up the pen?’

As much as it pains us, sometimes we have to scold our pets like we do our children. We know they mean no harm, but there come times when their mischief needs to be addressed. However, the poor French Bulldog in this video is so guilty of his actions, we can’t help but want to shower him with doggie treats! Niko walks in from some relaxing time outdoors and comes across his owner. Ears perked and eyes open, he’s ready to hear what she has to say. But instead of a “good boy” or a tasty snack, she asks him if he chewed up a pen.

Instant regret!

Those eyes are the true definition of sad puppy eyes. The identity of the culprit is undeniable! Clever Niko is very much aware that his actions will result in some scolding. But we can’t resist sympathizing with the little guy, especially when reminiscing on our own childhood shenanigans. It’s one thing to scamper away from your worries, or to wag your tail and feign ignorance, but watch the clip to see the what course of action Niko takes upon questioning—IT’S ADORABLE! An after all, actions speak louder than words!

Looking extremely guilty, the dog fails to make a sound but instead looks down at the ground with a sorrowful expression on its face. The owner asks again, ‘Who chewed up the pen?’ And once more the dog looks away.

Later in the clip the French bulldog slowly retreats back into the safety of the garden via the cat-flap. The video concludes with the owner stating: ‘I guess somebody’s guilty.’


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