Frustrated Owner Tries To Get Her Dog Out Of The Kitchen But He’s Extremely SMART!

Dog avoids all the obstacles left by his owner! (Video)

If your dog is a chow hound and food-motivated, this can be a very difficult habit to train them out of. They know that every time they’re left to their own devices, they can help themselves to a tasty treat. When you get home and see the result of their bad behavior, it can be too late to effectively scold them — though many dogs appear guilty and some will even hide. Beagles are a particularly recognizable dog, known for their friendliness and intelligence. These traits are often utilized and they’re trained to be contraband-sniffing dogs.

That also means they can detect food rather effectively. One particular beagle named Hannah is not only good at finding snacks, she’s excellent at working around the obstacles her owners put in her path. “One time she managed to pull the dog food bag under the pantry door and ate 7 pounds of dog food,” the owner said. That’s way too much food for a small dog and she could have easily gotten sick. “Another time she climbed on the table and ate 12 pills!” Obviously the owners have taken measures to try to keep their beagle from being a danger to herself. Sometimes that’s as simple as making sure doors are shut, food is out of the way, and nothing tempting has been left out.

She’s obsessed with food!

The owner first tried to attach towels to the drawer handles and then tied the handles together, so that the dog could not climb from drawer to drawer. But you can guess what happened! Other than completely blocking it off, Hannah’s owners were left with few options, so they tried putting other obstacles in her way. They got very mildly electrically charged mats. Fortunately the owners caught this on camera, otherwise they might never know how their naughty pup accomplished her amazing feats! Watch the video, looks like they’re going to have to come up with a new method, because Hannah’s clearly too clever for this one.

First attempt…

Owner tried mildly electrically charged mats but they didn’t had the desired effect !


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