Funny Talking Parrot: Listen To What He Says To These Cats Who Are Absolutely Taken Aback!

He successfully tricks cats!

Which one is the parrot? Never has Sylvester the Cat’s famous ‘sufferin’ succotash’ saying been more appropriate. This is moment a white cockatoo fluent in feline strolls up towards three moggies, and dumbfounded they sit back shell shocked into silence. Cockatoos are expert mimickers and are well-known for imitating human speech, but it is clearly not the only language they can learn.

This cockatoo that’s learned some cat-talk from its feline roommates and proceeds to give them a good what-for. Presumably for preying on its much smaller avian relatives outside. Or maybe it’s trying to trick them into thinking its a cat itself so it can infiltrate their group and learn all their secrets. The three cats are absolutely taken aback, almost unable to say a single word. One utters a quiet meow in shock but the rest stay silent. And when another gets a little too close for the cockatoo’s liking, true to form the bird hisses at it, just like a cat. The felines are so intrigued in the bird they are likely holding off thoughts about the animal as a potential next meal, for now at least.

Be careful with what we say at home!

Children are taught that animals make different sounds to communicate with each other, but if they saw this video, they might be confused and not understand why a cockatoo meows and sounds like a real cat! The cat meow sound that the cockatoo reproduces is so perfectly similar that you understand it actually came from the mouth of the cockatoo only when you see the bird’s moving beak and mouth in sync with the sound! Watch the video… with this guy we have to be careful with what we say at home!

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