German Shepherd Hears A Baby Crying – His Worried Reaction Is Beyond Adorable!

His worried reaction is adorable! (Video)

Dogs go into alert-mode at the slightest sign of distress around them. This is especially true if the dog is a German Shepherd. If you know anything about German shepherds, you know that they are some of the most adorable dogs on earth! This one gave such an adorable and funny reaction to a distress signal, you can’t help but giggle and go ‘awww’ at him, just like his owner! In this video, you’ll see a German shepherd named Gotham have a truly hilarious reaction when he hears a baby crying!

The child in distress immediately grabs Gotham’s attention and he fixes his eyes on the computer. He’s busy playing with his doggie-siblings but as soon as Gotham hears the baby crying, he stops dead in his tracks and stares at his mother’s computer intently. The dog clearly has tons of concern and empathy, and it’s almost as if he is saying, “That sound? Kitten? Sound like kitten. Where kitten smell?” Gotham stands perfectly still for a few seconds, and when he hears another cry, he goes into panic mode! The dog is so concerned that he drops the ball he had been holding in his mouth! Once he’s dropped his toy, Gotham gets up close and personal to get a closer look.

He gets worried!

The funniest part of the video is when Gotham drops a second ball out of his mouth, but he’s no longer even thinking about his toys, because he thinks someone needs help! He also tilts his head out of concern in typical German Shepherd fashion. Gotham’s owner can’t help but giggle at the fact that her dog is so worried about the video that she is watching. Gotham eventually figures out that nothing is wrong and backs off, but when the cries get more intense, he gets worried again! You can almost hear Gotham saying, “What is going on, MOM?!” Check out the adorable video for yourself !

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