Girl Decide To Provoke A Caged Baboon Throwing Food – The Monkey Gets His Revenge

The monkey gets his revenge (Video)

We should always respect and be kind to animals. It’s bad enough you got to keep them in cages and throwing things at them is something next level. Well, I’m sure none of you have tried that but if you have, feel lucky that you didn’t get this in a reply. Also, things like this happen a lot at the zoo and just like us humans, animals also have a limit on their tolerance. They get fed up of people visiting them all day long and using all means to annoy them.

This family took a trip to Tiger World, “a nonprofit animal conservation and educational center dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and preservation of exotic animals” in Rockwell, North Carolina. One of the two girls is excited to interact with the primate and shouts, “I’ll give you food.” She begins to throw food and starts waving her arms at the monkey, which makes him really mad. But this young girl will not be forgetting this lesson any time soon.

This is called karmic law!

The baboon was angry and he expresses it the only way monkeys can, so he took revenge! He hands the girls (and their dad) to the spot! Watch what the animal does at the end of the video. The dad loses his composure slightly with the filming going awry, before it comes back to one of the girls stomping back saying: “I hate this place.”  The father’s reaction at the end makes us laugh. He had a hard time … hiding his emotions! If the good is sown, the good is collected. When positive things are made, that returns well. The reverse is also true! All of this got caught on tape which has actually gotten viral!   

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