Golden Retriever Uses Toilet Like a Human When She Can’t Go On Walks

Golden Retriever uses toilet (Video)

This smart golden retriever knows how to use the toilet when her owners aren’t around to take her outside. You could say she is the best house trained dog around, leaving no mess. The only thing she can’t do is flush. Tokyo has learnt how to prop herself up on her front paws and use the toilet perfectly. 

Owner Alejandro Rodriguez Corrales, from Costa Rica, 29, said: “I taught her when she was little. She’s my girlfriend’s dog, but I like to teach her different tricks.” In the video, Tokyo can be seen tinkling in the toilet just like a human. Alejandro, a civil engineer, described how he trained Tokyo to use the loo. He said: “It’s a little complicated to explain. Firstly, she only pees there. She doesn’t poop because that would be too complicated.” 

The only thing she can’t do is flush it afterwards

While many dogs get caught drinking from the toilet bowl, Tokyo props herself up on her front paws and uses it the way it was intended. “At first I’d prop her up on the toilet and give her treats when she went. It was a very difficult and long process, but I was very patient. Now, she uses the toilet when the door is closed and she can’t get outside” said Alejandro. Watch the video, after doing what she has to do, she quietly leaves the bathroom.

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