Golden Retriever’s Hilarious Struggle After Kitten Stole His Bed – He Tries Everything

Golden Retriever tries everything to get kitten out of his bed (Video)

Ever had your own bed stolen from right under your nose? That’s exactly the situation Bailey the Golden Retriever found himself in when he returned ready for a lie down only to find a tiny kitten sitting right in the middle of the comfy dog bed he was planning to relax on.

Captured in a hilarious video which has been viewed 33 million times, Bailey’s surprise is clear. Bailey barks to encourage the kitten to get off. It’s like he’s saying, “Hey, that’s my bed.” But when that doesn’t work he then adorably tries to flip the kitty out (ever so gently, as he’s a very polite Golden, after all). The kitty clearly understands the dog isn’t happy and meows and hisses at the confused canine’s futile attempts, but as anyone trying to reclaim a favorite chair from a cat will know, they aren’t easily shifted. Bailey then scratches at his dog bed to claim it as his own, and even tries to tip the kitty out of it by lifting it up with his nose. However, even this isn’t enough to shift the tiny but tenacious moggy. 

The dog is confused and mildly frustrated that his bed has been commandeered by a weird hissing puppy

Eventually, Bailey gives in and settles for a bit of the bed to rest his head on. The kitten isn’t finished yet though and is soon playing with Bailey’s hair, batting and pawing at it, before finding a new place to relax – on top of Bailey himself. Watch the video, the dog went through all 5 stages of grief in two minutes: denial, anger, depression, bargaining and acceptance.

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