Good Samaritan Tries to Save Choking Stray Puppy – He Refuses To Give Up

He tries to save choking stray puppy (Video)

Many of us are familiar with CPR for humans but not as many people know how to perform CPR for dogs. Since dogs are built a little differently than we are, the methods are a little different. One major anatomical difference is the way the dog’s rib cage is placed, necessitating side compressions. Another difference is that you’re supposed to breathe into their nose while holding their mouth closed to get air into them. Hopefully you’ll never run into a situation where you have to perform CPR on your pet, but if you’re a dog owner you know all the ridiculous, disgusting and downright dangerous things they like to gobble up.

Desperate times call for desperate measures as this man attempted to resuscitate a puppy. For this pup in Turkey, it was a seemingly harmless bit of sausage that nearly did it in. A stray puppy get the food managed to get wedged in its throat. The shopkeeper who’d been feeding it saw the pup struggling but didn’t know what to do, so he called out for someone to help. Omer Yilmaz happened to be walking by when the store’s owner asked him to help the puppy, who didn’t seem to be breathing. The pup was in pretty bad shape, limp and unresponsive, a gray tongue lolling out of its mouth.

He wouldn’t give up until the dog was safe

Yilmaz swept the pup’s mouth with his fingers, trying to find and dislodge the bit of sausage that had gotten stuck. Once he removed it, he rubbed the dog’s chest and took it over to a sink. He massaged its heart and revived it with water and clean off its face before giving it mouth-to-nose. Next, he breathed into the puppy’s nose and massaged it some more, trying to get it breathing again. Watch the video, this man wouldn’t give up until the dog was safe!

Thankfully his attempts were successful, and the pup came around. Initially, he looked a little dazed and unsteady, but other footage shows him back with his siblings and doing well.

Yilmaz later said that he’d felt the mother dog pleading with him in her own way. He’d felt like she was begging him to help her lifeless puppy.


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