Groomer Sees A Photo Of A Matted Dog And Knows She Has To Help – She Will Be Surprised

She will be surprised (Video)

Whitney Samuels was scrolling through her Facebook feed one day when she came across a photo of a matted dog and immediately stopped. Someone had spotted the dog at the edge of their property and taken her in, and they were now looking for someone who could help her. Samuels is a dog groomer, and when she saw the state the dog was in, she knew she had to do something. His fur was severely matted, he was barely responsive, and had clearly been neglected.

“I couldn’t just keep scrolling knowing that I could help,” said Samuels. “So I drove 45 minutes one way to pick her up.” As soon as Samuels met the dog, later named Lucy, she realized that she was also blind and deaf. She was older and had clearly been through a lot based on the condition she was in, and Samuels just hoped she’d be able to help her. “She was a hot mess,” Samuels said. “There [was] so much matting [and] so many burs and full-sized sticks stuck in her coat! All four of her legs were fused together by her hair! I knew it was bad, but nothing prepared me for what I saw. He smelled like death and the dog could not walk. Samuels took Lucy to her grooming setup and immediately got to work. She carefully began freeing the dog from his matted prison.With all of that matted fur, Samuels knew Lucy had to be uncomfortable, and while she did work gently and carefully, she also tried to work quickly for Lucy’s sake. “Grooming her was so emotional,” Samuels said. “I just wanted to get it done as fast as possible to free her from all of it! Every time my clippers cut through a large portion of her ‘pelt,’ she would just look at me. I remember I kept saying, ‘Almost done, almost done.’ She was so defeated, but was so sweet to me the entire process.”

He looked like a completely different dog

Finally, after so much work, Lucy had been properly groomed — and looked like a completely different dog. Samuels took Lucy home after her grooming to let her rest while she figured out the next steps. Lucy seemed so much more comfortable now that she wasn’t carrying around all that extra weight, and it didn’t take her long to relax and get cuddly with her new friends.“After her groom, she slept for hours,” Samuels said. “But after her nap, she was very cuddly! Wanted to sit on our couch and just relax.” Despite all that, she is now in good hands. Watch the video, she’s so much happier after her grooming.

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