You’ve Seen Dog Reunions Before But Nothing Like This One

The embrace says it all (Video)

One of the worst nightmares for dog owners is that their canine friend might go astray or while chasing after a cat or bird go so far away that their dog cannot find its way back home. In these cases, in addition to the pain and despair that the human is feeling, it’s important to note also the emotional stress that the animal undergoes as well.

As a matter of fact, an animal that is lost suddenly finds itself thrust into a hostile and unpredictable urban environment. Therefore, the intensely happy reaction of this dog named Shiba, lost for 22 days, upon reuniting with her owner, clearly illustrates this concept. This is why we do what we do!! This Shiba Inu was brought in 22 days ago as a stray on the street. Her owner had no idea that WAGS even existed and had been going to the county shelter every day to look for his buddy. He had fliers up everywhere and even was offering a reward!

Best redemption moment ever

“We had so many people come in and want to adopt this dog over the last 3 weeks, but he never made a connection with anyone! She was constantly trying to escape from us and his entire purpose while he was here was to get back to his owner. All of us here were in agreement that he was “looking for someone” every time he was out of his kennel.” Well last night, we found who he was looking for! In the video, you can see a volunteer lead him down the hallway on a leash. He was so excited at the thought of finally getting out of there that he makes loud crying sounds!

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