Scary moment: a hawk drops a live snake on a BBQ as a family cooks lunch!

Hawk drops a live snake on a BBQ

When it comes to being astute and stealth hunters, hawks are at the top of their game. It’s claws are so powerful that this is the animal’s favourite mechanism they use to kill its prey as opposed to its mouth like other birds. For the most part, hawks will feed off of rodents, lizards, and fish. Although, sometimes it challenges itself to go for a bigger prey or one that won’t go down without a fight. YouTube user, Douglas Wong, recently posted a video of an encounter with a hawk that was too close for comfort…

The footage was filmed in Melbourne. During a barbecue with friends by the Yarra River something incredible happened. A hawk has delivered a nasty surprise to a barbecue lunch after dropping a large snake on an unsuspecting family. One of his family members spots the hawk as it flies over the river but then it appears to pick up a snake and makes its way towards the family with the slithering reptile in its claws. The family starts to panic as it continues on its course and yell out in Chinese to each other. The snake then falls to the ground before it slithers towards one of Mr Wong’s family members who make a quick getaway as others in the group tell her to “run quickly” in Mandarin. However, the hawk had no intentions of eating the snake, but rather to play a bad joke on these young people!

Fake or just unreal?

Since it was posted on YouTube two days ago, the video has garnered more than 1.344.000 views. In the description box, Mr Wong wrote: “So funny. Bird dropped snake on my uncle last weekend. Scary.” The footage has divided public opinion about whether or not it was fake. But Mr Wong insists it is real.

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