He Thought It Was a Stone But When He Got Closer, He Saw a Dog in Distress

They fully filmed the rescue operation (Video)

Two men were driving down the Trans Canada Highway the morning after a blizzard when they noticed a dark spot on the fresh white snow. As they passed the spot, they realized it was moving. An animal appeared to be stuck in a snow-covered ditch, trying — and failing — to free herself. The men pulled over for a better look and realized that the mystery animal was a dog.

The snow was too deep for the men to reach the dog on their own, so they called Steinbach and Area Animal Rescue for help. Michelle Neufeld and two other members of the rescue’s staff rushed to the scene and began fighting their way through the ice to reach the frightened dog. “We were in snow past our knees, so it was very difficult to reach her and extremely cold, but we managed. There was also quite a bit of bush and shrubs in the way as well,” said Neufeld, the president of the rescue. “When we got to her, we realized she was in a very rough shape and her whole body was full of mats. You could tell she’d been in the area for a while and she had tried to dig holes to make a bed.” The large dog was too weak to walk, and the snow was too deep to carry her. After some quick thinking, members of the rescue team loaded the dog onto a tarp and pulled her to safety.

The large dog was too weak to walk, and the snow was too deep to carry her

After days stuck in the snow, the dog seemed immediately grateful to be in a warm car, and put her head down on the seat to rest. Neufeld drove the dog to the animal hospital, where a veterinarian checkup revealed that the pup was suffering from a fever and dehydration. But an overnight stay at the hospital and IV fluids helped reduce the dog’s temperature. Once the dog, now named Riley, was feeling better, her caretakers set to work freeing her from her heavy, matted coat. After a much-needed shave, Riley finally started to smile and even play. We hope this video can inspire others!

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