Heart-Wrenching Moment – Dog Refuses to Leave His Injured Owner And Barks at Paramedics

Heart-Wrenching Moment (Video)

A tiny dog was filmed displaying concern for his human after the man fell and seriously hurt himself at São Paulo, Brazil. The dog is seen being held by a group of people, who are comforting him as he barks. The group of onlookers comfort the distressed dog as he attempts to reach his companion. But after a few minutes, he breaks free and runs over to his human and leans on his chest.

The pup immediately comforts the man, jumping onto the stretcher and barking at paramedics surrounding the pair. He is visibly protecting the man, who holds his dog in his arms to comfort him.“I was going to have lunch at my sister’s house, when I saw an ambulance in front. I saw a man who had fallen and his dog didn’t want to let the firemen help him, he wanted to protect him.” The man in white then attempts to pull the dog away as the pup’s owner wraps his arms around the protective pooch. Onlookers try to calm the dog again and the man ends up covering the dog’s eyes with a baseball cap so that he doesn’t interfere with the paramedics loading the man onto a stretcher.

The dog escapes and runs over to his owner as he lies on the ground

They are eventually able to move the pooch away from the stretcher so his owner can be lifted into the ambulance – but the dog remains close by his side. It’s so touching to see the dog’s emotion and care for his dad. We’re hoping the man and the dog are reunited soon. Watch the video, this is the heart-wrenching moment a protective pup refuses to leave his owner’s side when he is treated by paramedics.

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