Heartbreaking Story Of A Dog’s Last Day – A Farewell Tribute To His Love
A story of a dog’s last day that will touch your heart

You never expect it when you choose your puppy or kitten from the litter, or adopt your pet, but it’s inevitable – our four-legged friends always quickly become such an important part of your family. We take care and give them love, just as much as they take care and give us love an affection back. They snuggle by our side, aimlessly follow us all around the house, and give us sloppy kisses until we can’t take it any more.

But, after years of so many great memories and fun, we are usually the ones to have to say goodbye to our four-legged friends and it’s never an easy process. Saying goodbye to our pets is always gut-wrenching. And as much as it breaks our hearts, we love when we hear stories of owners who go above and beyond to make their pet’s time on earth extra special.

This amazing tribute piece was written by Robyn Arouty from the perspective of an adorable but very sick dog named Duke. He was a formerly homeless dog, who was adopted into the loving home of the Roberts family. However, the Roberts family soon found out that Dukey, as he was affectionately known, had cancer.

And although Dukey’s time here was cut short, Robyn Arouty gives him a loving sendoff with this beautiful letter from Dukey on his last day on Earth, complete with heartwarming photos of Dukey’s final adventures.
My friends from next door came to see me. They’re twins. When someone offered them one of my hamburgers, one said, “No thank you. I don’t want to take any from Dukey.”

“Kristen came to see me. She’s a hoot. She’s my groomer. And my buddy.”

While we were waiting for the vet to come Kristen said we were going for a walk.

Then someone said, “How about a play in the water at the splash park down the street?” So off we went!

We broke the rules and we got wet today.

We smiled and we felt grateful.

“You know I’m going to miss you, right?”

“I need you to help me watch over my family.”

“Did you hear me? This is all I want!”

I listened to the kids play off in the distance. And thought about my two babies at home. I loved protecting them.

I relaxed today.

I felt no pain. Even though the tumor grew so big.

I felt the love today.

I said goodbye to my beautiful friend Kira. She “saw” me standing over everybody before the doctor said it was time. I was excited & jumping & happy.

Well, I didn’t say goodbye. I said ’til we meet again.

God, I was lucky. Our time was short. But you both gave me a second chance & we lived it up together. You love when I look at you. I’ll never stop.

Always, DUKEY

“I felt love today”
Source: www.robynarouty.com