Heartless Woman Caught on Camera Abandoning Her Disabled Dog On The Street

Disabled dog abandoned on the street (Video)

This one-minute viral video showing a woman tossing a handicapped dog out of her car and abandoning it reminds all of us how cruel some people can really be. The disabled dog was abandoned twice in one day by heartless owners who left it alone on the streets of Brazil. CCTV captured the moment a woman dumped the dog on the sidewalk in Sao Leopoldo, in the south of the country, before driving away in her car. 

It’s tough to watch but this viral video highlights the absolute horror some animals have to endure at the hands of humans, who are supposed to be caring for them. The dog is getting out of a car only to be pushed out of the way before his owner drives off, leaving him alone. And if that wasn’t enough, according to local media, a Good Samaritan picked him up and returned him to his heartless owners just so he could be dumped again later that day. The dog was abandoned twice in the same day after it was returned to the family. This sweet dog is missing one leg and has lost the use of his other front leg.

The dog was abandoned twice in the same day

After the uncomfortable footage was shared on Social Media it has been viewed 220,000 times and thousands of people have come out calling his owner “cruel” and “heartless.” White car is seen pulling up at the side of the road and a woman swiftly gets out, opens the back door and two dogs jump out. The woman then encourages one of the dogs to get back into the car before pushing the disabled dog away so she can close the door and drive off. Watch the video, the footage shows the animal – named Tintin – trying to climb back into the vehicle before she pushed it to the floor and sped off.

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