Her Dog Poop On The Floor At The Airport – The Owner Refused To Clean It Up!

Watch the owner’s reaction, she refused to clean it up! (Video)

Sometimes Internet fame is a bad, bad thing. I suspect that will be the case for an (as yet) unidentified woman who appears in the video in Denver International Airport (DIA), apparently ignoring the pile of poop her dog has just left on the carpet and giving the finger to a passerby who points it out to her. Just imagine how awful your very worst airport experience could be if you arrived at your gate in a rush, looking up at the monitor to make sure you’re in the right place, and found you had stepped into a fresh, steaming pile of dog excrement. Most people with pets have had the unfortunate experience of our furry friend taking an unexpected bathroom break in an inappropriate place.

When it happens, most responsible and civilized people immediately apologize and hurry to clean up the mess. But a young woman captured on video at DIA apparently had no such concern after her black-and-white dog pooped on the floor while she chatted on her mobile phone. Another passenger filmed the scene as he rode by on a moving sidewalk, and at the same time called out to her that her dog had just had a bowel movement on the carpet. She responded by moving the phone to her shoulder so she could give him the finger. The man who recorded the video, Nipper Nieporte, explained more about the situation in a Facebook post.

She leaves the mess on the floor!

“This passenger was on my flight from Atlanta, during the entire flight her dog yelped and whined for the entire flight,” he wrote. “I was going to my connecting gate on the moving sidewalk and happened to notice the dog had gone to the bathroom. Out of astonishment, I preceded to video the occurrence.” In the days since Nieporte shared the video it has received a wide range of reactions. The Denver International Airport is equipped with pet relief rooms in each terminal, but some social media users pointed out that any dog owner knows some things are out of their control. However, many said the woman should have been a lot more quick about picking up after her dog. Some also speculated that she was planning to leave the mess behind for someone else to deal with. Watch the video and tell us what do you think of this situation!

So far, no further information about her identity is available. But there are enough clues supplied that I think there’s a good chance she may be found: The closeup, the dog, the flight number and date.

Source: www.letribunaldunet.fr

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