Hero man jumps from his boat to rescue woman and her dog trapped in her car as it sinks!

Trapped in her car as it sinks!

The state of Louisiana is under a state of emergency. There is flooding along the Gulf Coast and this dramatic video shows the rescue of a woman from her sinking car. Remarkable footage has emerged of local men saving at the perfect time, an elderly woman and her dog who nearly drowned from dangerous flood water in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The woman can be seen trapped inside a sinking vehicle and uttering “Oh my god, I’m drowning” as the men reach her on a boat.

The dramatic video shows a woman shouting for help as her convertible submerges into the deep, brown water. When the video begins, her car is about two-thirds submerged. Three men drive their boat up to her car, but are unsuccessful when they try to break her vehicle’s window. Finally cutting and ripping open the canvas roof of the car. One of the men can be seen pulling her free as the car is completely swallowed underwater. Just as the car goes completely under, the woman is saved, but her little dog is still in the car.

Unreal rescue!

The woman, now free starts panicking about her dog still trapped inside the car. She instantly begs the rescuer to get her dog. There’s a little argument and the woman attempts to dive. Then this happens. The man can be seen going underwater and searching for the animal but is unable to find it, telling the woman “Maybe she’s gone”. The woman can be heard replying “No, she better not be”. Finally, after taking a deep breath and diving back underwater, the man resurfaces with a small white fluffy pooch.

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