He’s Watching His Dog In The Backyard – Suddenly Something Scary Happens

Fortunately the dog had fast reflexes (Video)

This sweet dog named Sprocket is one lucky pup. Thanks to her lightning-fast reflexes, she was able to make it out unscathed when a near-tragedy struck. A powerful ice storm hit Sprocket’s home in Ontario, Canada — setting the scene for potential disaster. Little could Sprocket have guessed, of course, as she stepped out to do her business in the backyard afterward, that she was about to have the most perilous potty trip of her life.

High overhead from where she was standing, a large tree branch was about to snap. A camera outside the home captured what happened next, and the dog’s quick thinking that ultimately saved her life. Sprocket’s owner, Ben Lucier, was there to watch the whole thing unfold. “I was at my back door calling for Sprocket to come in after her bathroom break, but she was dawdling,” said Lucier. “You can tell when the tree branch snapped because she started to run when she heard the crack. Nobody was hurt, except our fence and maybe the BBQ.”

A camera outside the home captured what happened next

“It was shocking, all of a sudden, I heard this really loud crack,” said Ben Lucier “I just dropped to my knees and called, ‘Come on, come on, come on, hurry up.’ As soon as the crack went, she was running toward me.”“We’re really lucky. We could be mourning the loss of our little furball.” Lucier has some cleaning up to do now, of course, but what matters most is that Sprocket is safe“She’s a great dog. Very instinctual, very loving,” Lucier said. “Her actions didn’t surprise me at all. Her instincts were to get somewhere safe ASAP, and that was me as her owner.”  Watch the video, you will be impressed!

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