Hilarious Dogs Try Their Best to Stop Their Owner From Throwing Out Christmas Tree

Dogs make a valiant and hilarious effort to stop their owner (Video)

Putting away the Christmas decorations and packing up or throwing out the tree is always kind of a hassle. It’s hard saying goodbye to the holiday until next year – and nobody knows it better than this guy! Erin Sharkey Graham shared this video and went viral overnight! Erin and her husband, David, were ready to get their Christmas tree out of their house, but their dogs weren’t ready to see it go!

Under normal circumstances, it takes just a few minutes to haul it outside for disposal. But when your family includes a couple of German shepherds, particularly ones who are always up for a game of tug-of-war, throwing away big, bulky items is never easy. Erin wondered what was taking David so long to take the tree out, and then caught sight of the dogs making the chore much harder than it needed to be! In what could be the most festive game of tug-of-war ever, David takes on his pets to get the tree over the fence, but with both sides giving as much effort as possible, it wasn’t easy for either! At one point, they were putting up such a good fight that they got David on the ground!

These dogs still have the Christmas spirit

“So I asked my husband to toss the old Christmas tree during the cleanup efforts and noticed it was taking a really long time… then I look out and see this struggle going down…” said Erin. When she saw the wrestling match that was taking place in the backyard, she quickly took out her camera and started filming this hilarious video of her two German Shepherd Dogs making a valiant – and hilarious – effort to stop her husband from throwing out the Christmas tree. These dogs still have the Christmas spirit, but unfortunately, they weren’t able to defeat their Grinch. There’s always next year!

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