HILARIOUS Moment: Huge Bulldog Yanks Dog Walker Off His Feet So Hard!

Huge bulldog yanks dog walker! (Video)

In the hilarious footage, a ‘giant’ American bulldog got a bit excited and took his 47-year-old walker along for a different ride instead. In the video you see Dean Porter, who’d offered to walk his best friend’s dog, being yanked completely to the ground and landing flat on his face like a Warner Bros ‘toon. Dean innocently puts the 40kg (6st) pooch Fagin‘s lead on and opens the gate for a nice stroll – but as soon as the gentle giant spots another dog, a little Jack Russell, he sprints faster than Usain Bolt in a 100m final. 

Fagin seems to forget all about poor Dean, who’s pulled off his feet and flew through the air. He was forced to let go of the lead as he falls face-first into the floor, leaving him with whiplash and a bad back – and, you’d have to imagine, some severely bruised pride to boot. Having quickly recovered the one-year-old dog, Dean thought he’d got away with his embarrassing mishap without anyone noticing. This wasn’t quite the case – Dean hadn’t been as smooth as he’d hoped. Dean had hoped his pride was not also injured — but he later discovered a neighbour of  Fagin’s owner, Luisa Nichol-Alvarez,  had suggested she check her cameras for a giggle.

She couldn’t stop laughing!

She couldn’t stop laughing once she saw the footage. She did the natural thing in this situation, sent the video to all their friends – who now won’t let Dean live it down- and eventually it went viral. “I thought nothing of it at the time but I woke up the next morning and my neck, my side, my back was knackered. I had whiplash. I phoned Luisa and Lee up and said I’ve got a bad back but didn’t explain why – I was trying not to tell anybody what had happened. But they were just laughing their heads off. I asked them what they were laughing at and they explained they had seen the footage off the camera – so they knew why.” explain Dean. Watch the video, the‘giant’ six stone American bulldog took the grown man for a walk – yanking him completely off the ground and leaving him with whiplash!

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