His Beloved Owner Goes To The Navy – Cat’s REACTION Left His Mother In Tears!

Cat’s reaction left his mother in tears! (Video)

Living in a shelter, it can feel like a lifetime before somebody will come along and sweep you away to your forever home. A sleek and beautiful black cat named Yuuki forlornly stared at the people perusing the animal shelter where she spent too much time waiting for someone to sweep her up and take her to her forever home. After a long time waiting and dreaming, a teenager named, Max and his mom Erin Nimrichter were drawn to the sweet-natured kittie and adopted her. Max and his mom thought Yuuki was the best cat ever and Yuuki reciprocated those feelings. She was finally in a loving forever home and she loved her new owners. 

It didn’t take long before Yuuki liked Max more than catnip. In fact, she fell in love with her human. They would crash on the couch snuggling as they fell asleep. But Yuuki and Max’s days of cuddling and playing were numbered. Yuuki’s feline heart was broken when six months after she was adopted, Max shipped off for boot camp. He currently is serving his first year with the U.S. Navy. Max had hoped that Yuuki would keep his mom company in his absence. Neither Max or Erin anticipated that Yuuki would pine for Max instead. Yuuki couldn’t believe her best pal had gone. When a loved one enlists in the army, their family and friends back home miss them dearly. But we forget that animals feel the same attachment as we do, so when their beloved owner goes away, they pine for them too.

She clearly missed him!

However, that didn’t stop her loving him. As it turns out, she found a new way of keeping him in her heart. Erin caught Yuuki sitting in front of her framed photo of Max. The kitty would gaze intently at him, meowing. Erin thought it was odd, maybe even a fluke. But no matter where she placed it, Yuuki would find the picture and go through the same ritual. She clearly missed Max. She resumed her loyal devotion to Max and camped out on the dresser beside his picture. Watch the video, this is one of the sweetest pet stories! 

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