His Owner Brought Home A New Dog – Watch The Cat’s Reaction When He Sees What It Is!

Watch The Cat’s Reaction! (Video)

Bringing a new baby into the house can be challenging. You have to let the other children know that a new brother or sister will be coming to live with the family. This video shows the homecoming of the family’s’ new dog. The family was very excited about bringing the new dog home and couldn’t wait to see how their cat would react! It is possible that no one actually told the cat he was getting a new sibling! This cat can tell the new dog is trouble even before he makes it up the front steps! 

When Cato the cat’s family decided to add a dog to their family, they knew they’d have to be cautious. They decided to let Cato see the pup through the window well before actually introducing the two— and it’s a good thing they did! As Karen Gillette’s video shows, Cato did not take kindly to another animal in her territory!“This is how Cato, our cat expressed his feelings about us bringing a new dog into the family. This is when he sees my husband walk the new dog up to the front door for the first time! Needless to say, he is FURIOUS!,” Kerry Gillette said. Since she assures us everything worked out, Cato’s reaction is totally funny. Take a look! 

 Nope, nope, nope and some more nopes!

“For those of you who were concerned for Cato’s well being, you can relax. We adore our cat, and are very experienced with animals. All we did was let the cat see the dog through the window the first time. They weren’t introduced until MUCH later. Things are obviously a lot better! You just need to trust me that my cat is FINE! He’s just bossy and territorial. The dog is beautifully submissive, kind and quiet around him, exactly why we chose her. So just relax! He is just a very vocal cat, which is why this is funny. This is also not his first experience with dogs. Wish I could post a follow up photo of them co-existing, albeit angrily.  But, may have to post some more footage of Cato’s daily stand-offs with her!” Check out this grumpy kitty in the video and his funny reaction!

Dogs and cats can usually live together peacefully, although creating a harmonious “blended family” requires some planning, patience, and careful guidance on your part. In some cases your dog and cat will become best friends.

When you introduce pets to each other, one of them may send “play” signals that can be misinterpreted by the other pet. If those signals are interpreted as aggression by one animal, then you should handle the situation as “aggressive”.

Source: incroyable.co

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