Home Security Camera Catches a Border Collie Saving Best Friend From Being Run Over

Dog saves puppy before it’s about to be hit by a car (Video)

Heroes come in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes they even have four legs, a tail, and incredible instincts. A recent viral video showing a border collie rescuing his chihuahua friend just in the nick of time has captured the attention of hundreds of thousands of viewers and it will seriously blow your mind. The incident took place in Gaspe City in Quebec. Footage shows the collie outside playing fetch with its owner and a couple other dogs.

The dogs and the owner then walk off camera, and a woman is seen backing her vehicle out of a snowy driveway. However, the little chihuahua suddenly starts to wander dangerously close to the car. In that same moment the chihuahua tries to run over to his collie friend, but was unable to get through the snow fast enough.  Then, seemingly out of nowhere, the Border Collie runs over. In a flash, the dog zips across the lawn, grabbing the pup and dashing out of harm’s way. If the collie wasn’t there, the chihuahua would’ve been run over.

This dog earned his hero status

If the dog hesitated for even a moment, they both would’ve gotten hit. He picks up the tiny dog before running safely to the side. Realizing what had happened, the woman got out of the vehicle, patted the Border Collie, and picked up the chihuahua. ‘I saw something in my mirror. First I thought I had crushed my dog,’ the woman shared in the caption of the video. Watch the video, this dog definitely earned his hero status.

What a scary incident and a strong reminder to make sure your fur friends are safely indoors or under control if you are planning to drive anywhere near your home. This particular incident, however, looks like it was an accident as neither human was aware of what the other was doing.

Source: www.epochtimes.fr

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