She Notices Her Friend Has Been Captured – What Happens Next Is What You’ll Want To See!

A complicated rescue! (Video)

Rescuing animals is a beautiful thing, really. The peace we get from rescuing them is immeasurable. When the Hope For Paws volunteers, an organization that rescues abandoned or mistreated animals, received reports of two homeless dogs living in a truck yard. A woman who worked in the factory next door had been feeding the pair, but when she found out she had to relocate, she contacted the rescue group to see if they could help the dogs. They knew they had to prepare for a very complicated and problematic rescue!

Eldad Hagar, the founder of Hope for Paws, went to the truck yard with hopes of saving the dogs, and brought along a team of volunteers from the U.S., U.K., Costa Rica and Australia. “Once we secured the area, Lisa Chiarelli and Lisa Arturo joined me to try and corner the dogs,” said Hagar. “The rescue was quite challenging because we always had to watch for our heads as we were under the trucks most of the time.” As a matter of fact, predictably, the two dogs had no intention of being captured or rescued, especially if it meant being separated from each other. Being brave is easier with someone you trust by your side.

Keeping them together!

The team set its sights on the male dog first, who was later named Clark. He was clearly terrified of the newcomers to his makeshift home. As scared as he was, he seemed to know that he needed to be rescued, and that these people were there to help. One can only imagine their dependence on each other after a life of hunger and misery on the streets. They were each other’s escape from isolation. Their story shows just how important friendships are to our four-legged friends. Only when the two dogs understand that no one had any intentions of separating them did they allow themselves to be captured. Watch the video of this incredible rescue! 

The pups were transported to the vet in separate cars, and as soon as Lois saw Clark come in, she started wagging her tail like crazy. It was very clear to everyone that these two loved each other very much — and that keeping them together would be the absolute best thing to do. After they received baths and medical care, they really started coming out of their shells, and now they really need to find a loving forever home together.

Clark and Lois are now coming out of their shell, they love cuddles from the volunteers and playing about outside. We hope they find a loving forever home together, they certainly deserve it.


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